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Are Networking Events a Waste of Time?

Dec 13, 2023

How to navigate networking events like a sales professional.

Today, I want to dive into an issue many sales reps in the restoration industry grapple with - attending a lot of networking events and meetings but not seeing an uptick in referrals. It’s frustrating, right? Well, I’ve got some insights to share with you, some of these strategies are explored in my Restoration Sales Academy (RSA), a group coaching program designed specifically for sales reps in our industry.

If you don’t know who I am, I’m Scott Miller, the owner of I’m making these videos to help restoration business owners get more profitable, reduce the chaos, and build something of great value they can sell someday when they are ready to move on. I also am hopeful that you’ll watch this video and take action - even if it’s simply booking a call with me to delve deeper.


Now, why are reps making connections but not seeing the referrals? Here’s what I’ve observed:
  1. Lack of Deep Connections: Sales reps attend events, increasing their visibility but failing to build deeper, meaningful relationships with potential clients and referral sources. These brief interactions just aren’t enough to get the phone ringing with referrals.
  2. Oversharing, Underlistening: Often, reps, including myself sometimes, might dominate the conversation, leaving little room to understand the clients' perspectives and needs. We need to ask great questions and then listen!
  3. Inadequate Follow-Up Mechanism: A trusted system for regular follow-ups is often missing. This lapse could be due to the absence of a robust CRM system or a lack of discipline and accountability.


To start turning things around, here’s a simple five-step strategy you might try:
  1. Review those Business Cards: Sift through your stack of business cards and pinpoint the top 50 contacts most likely to refer work your way.
  2. 1-on-1’s: Schedule one-on-one meetings with these individuals, focusing on understanding and addressing their challenges. 
  3. Routine: Establish a consistent follow-up routine, checking in every three weeks, not including the times you bump into them at events.
  4. Seek to Understand: Figure out what’s important to them by asking great questions.  What’s important to them professionally and personally. Understand their aspirations and hurdles, not limiting the conversation to restoration needs.
  5. Talk about Business: Be sure to talk about business - find out how you can help them and talk about how your services can make their life easier.  Avoid becoming a "professional visitor".  You can’t limit the conversation to “How are the wife and kids?”


In a nutshell, it’s not just about showing up at networking events – it’s about making each interaction count. Remember, your goal is to leave a lasting impression that makes you the first person they think of when a restoration need arises. Networking is an art – it's about creating value for both parties, not just handing out business cards and hoping for the best.

So, if you're ready to shake up your approach and see real results from your networking efforts and your other sales activities, I'm here to help. My Restoration Sales Academy isn't just about giving you tips, it's about transforming how you connect with people and grow your referral base. Interested in taking your sales strategy to the next level? Click the link below, and let's start a conversation that could change the course of your business.

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